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2.Why did you take your jacket to the cleaner’s? To…………………………

3.Why did you take your watch to the jeweller’s?..............................................

4.Why did you go to the hairdresser?..................................................................

b) Write sentences in the way shown.

1.Jill didn’t repair the roof herself. She had it repaired

2.I didn’t cut my hair myself. I ………………………………………………

3.They didn’t paint the house themselves. They……………………………….

4. Sue didn’t make the curtains herself ………………………………………

Ex.2. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure “have something done” in the correct tense form.

1.We are having the house painted (the house/paint) at the moment.

2.I lost my key. I’ll have to ………………………….(another key/make).

3.When was the last time you ……………………………(your hair.cut)?

4.You look different ………………………………...(you/your hair/cut)?

5.…………………………………….(you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house or do you go to the shop to buy one?

6.A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?

B:Oh, we ……………………....(a swimming pool/build).

7.A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?

B:I’m afraid I ……….…………………(not/the film/develop) yet.

8.This coat is dirty. I must …………………………………(it/clean).

9.If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you …………………….(your ears/pierce)?

10.I haven’t ……………….(my central heating service) since last autumn.

11.Are you going to …………………………..(these shoes/repair) or shall I throw them away?

12.My neighbours are …………………………(an extension/build) outo their house at the moment).

13.I must …………… (my glasses/mend). They keep falling off.

14.Where do you ………………..(your hair/do)? It always looks very nice.

15.I……………(four new tyres/fit) on my car last month.

16.I’ve just ………………………..(my suit/dry-clean).

Ex.3. Now you have to use “have something done” with its second meaning (see

Section C).

1.George’s nose was broken in a fight.

What happened to George? He had his nose broken in a fight.

2.Sarah’s bag was stolen on a train.

What happened to Sarah? She…………………………………..

3.Fred’s hat was blown off in the wind.

What happened to Fred? ………………………………………..

4.Diane’s passport was taken away from her by the police.


What happened to Diane?............................................................

5.Kate’s wallet was stolen from her bag while she was out shopping. What happened to Kate?..............................................................

6.Peter’s flat was burgled while he was out at work.

What happened to Peter?

7.Mr. and Mrs. Woods’ house was damaged in a storm. What happened to Mr. and Mrs. Woods?

8.Lynne’s radio was stolen from her car.

What happened to Lynne?

9.My brother’s arm was broken in a football match.

What happened to my brother?

10.Our fence was blown down in a storm last night.

What happened to us?

Ex.4. Translate into English using “have smth done”.

1. Я не могу прийти: мне сейчас ремонтируют гараж. 2. Вы часто подстригаете волосы в парикмахерской? 3. Я слышал, у вас украли кошелёк в магазине, это так? 4. На прошлой неделе наш компьютер проверили (обслужили), он работает хорошо. 5. Саймону только что сшили костюм. 6. У вас покраснели глаза. Вам надо проверить их у врача. 7. Вы собираетесь сделать ковровое покрытие в новой квартире? 8. Где вам строят коттедж? – В пригороде. 9. Обычно мне ремонтируют машину в автосервисе, но иногда я ремонтирую её сам. 10. Они не красили дом сами, им его покрасили. 11. Она не смогла повесить шторы, ей повесили их. 12. Когда строили дом, нам сломали забор. 13. Ему в драке выбили зубы. 14. Когда вам отремонтируют телевизор? 15. Мне нужно отремонтировать часы.

It is said that… He is said to… (be) supposed to…

A) Study this example situation:

Henry is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but:

It is said that he is 108 years old. or He is said to be 108 years old.

Both these sentences mean: “People say that he is 108 years old”.

You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially:

thought believed considered reported known expected alleged understood

Compare the two structures:

Cathy works very hard.



It is said that she works 16 hours a day.


She is said to work 16 hours a day.

The police are looking for a missing boy.


It is believed that the boy is wearing a


The boy is believed to be wearing a

white pullover and blue jeans.


white pullover and blue jeans.

The strike started three weeks ago.



It is expected that it will end soon.


The strike is expected to end soon.

A friend of mine has been arrested.




It is alleged that he kicked a policeman. or

He is alleged to have kicked a




Those two houses belong to the same family.


It is said that there is a secret tunnel


There is said to be a secret tunnel

between them.


between them.




These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident:

It is reported that two people were


Two people are reported to have

injured in the explosion.


injured in the explosion.

B) (Be) supposed to

Sometimes it is supposed to…= it is said to…:

Let’s go and see that film. It’s supposed to be very good. (=it is said to be very good)

“Why was he arrested?” “He’s supposed to have kicked a policeman.” (=he is said to have kicked a policeman)

But sometimes supposed to has a different meaning. “Something is supposed to happen” = it is planned, arranged or expected. Often this is different from what really happens:

I’d better hurry. It’s nearly 8 o’clock and I’m supposed to be meeting Ann at

8.15. (=I have arranged to meet Ann, I said I would meet her)

The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late. (=the train was expected to arrive at 11.30 according to the timetable)

You were supposed to clean the windows. Why didn’t you do it?

“You’re not supposed to do something”=it is not allowed or advisable for you to do it: You’re not supposed to park your car here. It’s private parking only.

Mr. Bond is much better after his illness but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work. (=his doctor have advised him not to…)

Ex.1. Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentence.

1.It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike is expected to end soon.

2.It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.

The weather is ……………..................................................

3.It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.

The thieves…………………………………………………

4.It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.

Many people………………………………………………

5.It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.

The prisoner……………………………………………….

6.It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour.

The man is…………………………………………………

7.It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire.


The building……………………………………………….

8. a It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.

The company……………………………………………

bIt is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.

The company……………………………………………

cIt is expected that the company will lose money this year.

The company……………………………………………

Ex.2. People say a lot of things about Arthur. For example:

1.Arthur eats spiders.

2.He is very rich.

3.He writes poetry.

4.He has 12 children.

5.He robbed a bank a long time ago.

6.He has his own island.

7.He bought 6 cars.

8.He speaks 5 foreign languages.

9.He plays the violin.

10.He swam across the Mississippi.

Nobody knows for sure whether these things are true or not. Write sentences about Arthur using (be) supposed to.

1. Arthur is supposed to eat spiders.

Ex.3. Now you have to use (be) supposed to with its other meaning. In each example what happens is different from what is supposed to happen. Use (be) supposed to + one of these verbs:








Some of the sentences are negative (like the first


1.You’re not supposed to park here. It’s private parking only.

2.The train …………………….. at 11.39, but it was an hour late.

3.What are the children doing at home? They ……………………… at school at this time.

4.We…………………………..work at 8.15, but we rarely do anything before 8.30.

5.This door is a fire exit. You …………………………..it.

6.Oh dear! I ………………………….. Ann but I completely forgot.

7.They arrived very early – at 2 o’clock. They ……………………….until 3.30.

Ex.4. Read each sentence. Then make two new sentences in the passive, as it is shown in the example.

Example: People expect that taxes will be reduced soon.

It is expected that taxes will be reduced soon.


Taxes are expected to be reduced soon.

1.People say that the monument is over 2000 years old.

2.People expect that the president will resign.

3.People think that the fire started at about 8 o’clock.

4.Journalists reported that seven people had been injured in the fire.

5.People say that Whitby is a very nice town.

6.People believe that the new film is very violent.

7.People consider that these cars are rather unreliable.

8.People say that he moved to New York last year.

9.People allege that the new restaurant is very expensive.

10.People say that the concert was very good.

Ex.5. Translate into English.

1. Известно, что делегация прибывает в воскресенье. 2. Говорят, что Мр. Браун миллионер. 3. Полагают, что они владеют землёй где-то на севере страны. 4. Сообщают, что президент серьёзно болен. 5. Ожидается, что в следующем году будет принят новый закон о пенсиях. 6. Предполагалось, что заключённые бежали с помощью охранников. 7. Утверждают, что их видели около метро. 8. Говорят, что они поженились в сентябре. 9. Сообщалось, что преступник оказал сопротивление и был застрелен. 10. Думали, что его нет дома. 11. Ожидают, что служащим этой компании повысят зарплату. 12. Известно, что эти новости были получены из надёжных источников. 13. Говорили, что он продал свой загородный дом и уехал в Лондон. 14. Предполагалось, что самолёт приземлится в Шереметьево. 15. Утверждают, что этот подросток напал на пожилого человека.



I. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct tense form.

1. The students (to give) a lot of work to do every day. 2. The question (to discuss) by them at the moment. 3. This article just (to translate) into Russian. 4. The book (to publish) two years ago. 5. Lomonosov may (to consider) as the founder of Russian science. 6. We came there after the building (to complete). 7. The building of metro station (to complete) by the end of the next year. 8. This story (to repeat) twice. 9. He watched TV while dinner (to prepare). 10. The whole nation hoped he (to elect) Prime Minister.

II. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive, leaving out “they” or “someone”.

1.They promised the children new toys.

2.They will give her a part in a new play.

3.Someone showed me the way to the station.


4.Someone offered many brochures to my wife.

5.They told many interesting things to the pupils.

III. Change sentences into Passive. Mind the prepositions after the verbs.

1.We looked for Mike everywhere.

2.They cared much for the children.

3.After a long discussion they arrived at the agreement.

4.Teachers thought well of these boys at school.

5.People spoke much of the novel.

IV. Choose the correct answers.

1. For centuries, it (believed/was believed) that the earth was the center of the universe and that every object in the sky (revolved/was revolved) around it. These beliefs (did not change/were not changed) easily. In the 1500, Copernicus suggested that the sun was the center of the universe, but few people (listened/were listened) to him. Then

Galileo in 1609 (defended/was defended) Copernicus’ theory. Because he (stated/was stated) it publicly, Galileo (sent/was sent) to prison. Since Galileo’s time, astronomers

(have made/have been made) tremendous advances in our knowledge about the universe. The universe (fills/is filled) with millions of galaxies.

V. Complete sentences with “by” or “with”.

1.The castle is surrounded – the wall.

2.This salad is made – rose petals.

3.The floor was cleaned – vacuum cleaner.

4.Have you ever been bitten – a dog?

5.I was hit – a stick.

VI. Make a new sentence in the passive a) with “it” b) according to the construction “He is said to …”.

1. They believed that he was the tallest boy in class. 2. People thought they would arrive at 10. 3. They say the monument is about 100 years old.

VII. Complete the sentences using the correct form of “have smth. done”.

1.Are you going to – (the house/paint)?

2.I must – (another key/make), I lost it.

3.We – (the film/develop) today.

4.This coat is dirty. I must – (it/clean).

VIII. Change sentences using “have smth. done”.

1. They are cleaning his shoes.


2.Someone takes her photographs regularly.

3.Have they cut your hair recently?

IX. Translate:

1.Почему нельзя сделать эту работу?

2.Когда нужно принести эту книгу?

3.Вы уверены, что о вас позаботятся?

4.Здесь говорят по-испански.

5.Тест нужно написать завтра.

6.Над ним смеялись.

7.Они знали, что их слушают внимательно.

8.Журнал уже просмотрели?

9.Ожидают, что он расскажет обо всём.

10.Им уже покрасили пол.

11.Она сама сшила платье? Нет, ей сшили его в ателье.

12.Сообщалось, что 15 человек погибло в автокатострофе.


The modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to, must, need, dare.

After modal verbs we use the infinitive without “to” (but: ought to)


We use modal verbs to talk about:

a)someone’s ability to do an action.

b)an action that is necessary

c)a situation that is possible

Can = to be able to I can speak English = I am able to speak English.

I could speak English = I was able to speak English.

I shall (will) be able to speak English. Use

1. Ability

Can you swim?

I cannot (can’t) open this bottle.

We can use “be able to” instead of “can” e.g. Are you able to swim? But “can” is more common.

2. Could/was(were) able to are used in the past, but when we want to say that someone had the ability to do something, and that they did it in a particular situation, we must use “was/were able to” (“could” is not possible)

Even though I’d hurt my leg, I was able to swim back to the boat (not: I could swim back …)

The manager wasn’t in the office for very long, but we were able to speak to him for a few minutes (not: we could speak…)


We can use “managed to + infinitive” or “succeeded in” + “…ing form” instead of “was/were able to” in this meaning.

Even though I’d hurt my leg. I managed to swim back to the boat/succeeded in swimming back to the boat.

We normally use “managed to” or “succeeded in” when the action was difficult to do or when on we managed to do something on one occasion.

I managed to get up early (not: I could get up early).

After six hours we succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain (not: after six hours we could set…)

But: She could read when she was four. (Not one occasion)

He couldn’t find the ticket office (He didn’t manage it).

3. We use can/could with see, hear, taste, feel and some other verbs of perception. Don’t translate can/could in such sentences.

I can see a bird in that tree.

Я вижу птичку на дереве.

We could hear a noise outside the door.

Мы слышали шум за дверью.

4. We use “could not (couldn’t) for both general ability and particular situations.

My grandmother couldn’t dance.

He tried very hard, but he couldn’t swim back to the boat.

5. Can (ability): special problems.

Future: We can use “can” if we are deciding now what to do in the future. In other cases, we have to use will be able to.

I can see you tomorrow morning for half an hour. One day we will be able to live without wars.

Conditionals We can use “could” to mean “would be able to”.

You could get a better job if you spoke a foreign language.

6. Can, could, may: permission.

We use can to ask for and give permission, and couldn’t/can’t to refuse it. Can I ask you a question?

- Yes, of course you can.

I am sorry, you can’t come in here.

We also use could to ask for permission, it is more polite. Could I have a look at your newspaper?

May is used in the same way. It is more formal and less common. May I help you, sir?

We use can and could (but not usually may) to talk about what is normally allowed.

Can you park in this street on Sundays? (not: May you…)

We use can in offers, requests and instructions

Can I carry your bag?

I can baby-sit for you this evening if you like.

Can you put the children to bed?

When you’re finished the beds you can clean up the kitchen.


Note: Could sounds less definite: it is common in suggestions and requests. I could do some shopping for you, if that would help.

Ex.1. Put in “can, can’t or could, will be able to”.

1. I … pick it up tonight if that’s convenient. 2. I think I … speak English quite well in a few months. 3. We need some more oil. Oh, I … let you have some this week. 4. Dr. Parker … see you at twelve on Tuesday. 5. She … walk again in a few weeks. 6. If we took the wheels off, we … get it through the back door. 7. Do you think one day people … travel to the stars? 8. This week’s no good, but I … bring in the car next week. 9. If I practiced a bit I … be pretty good at tennis. 10. In a few years, computers … think better than we do. 11. She … give you a lesson this evening. 12. I’m free at the weekend, so the kids … come round. 13. I’ll post your letter, but I don’t think the postman … read the address. 14. I … do your job with no trouble at all. 15. We’re busy this week, but we… repair it by next Tuesday.

Ex.2. Complete sentences with “could, couldn’t or managed to”.

1. I … speak French really well when I lived in Paris. 2. He … repair the car, but it took him a long time. 3. At last I … make her understand what I wanted. 4. We wanted to go to the opera, but we … get tickets. 5. I … swim across the river, but it was harder than I expected. 6. All three children … ride as well as they … walk. 7. Fortunately I … get her address from her office. 8. I don’t know how the cat … get through the window, but it did. 9. He … already walk when he was ten months old. 10. After the accident she somehow … walk home.

Ex.3. a) Complete the sentences using “can/could + the verbs of perception (see, hear, smell, etc)”.

1. I … something burning. 2. He opened his eyes, but to his horror he … nothing. 3. Through my study window I … mountains. 4. I … Susan practicing the piano next door, it sounds nice. 5. He thought he … something crawling up his leg, but when he looked he … anything. 6. I … the cats fighting in the kitchen. Can you go and put them out? 7. This isn’t my coffee, I … sugar in it. 8. Spring is coming, you … the snowdrops in all the gardens. 9. We … and … with our ears and we …with our eyes. 10. You … with your nose.

b) Look around you and write five sentences beginning “I can see…”

Listen to the noises around you and write five sentences beginning :I can hear…”

Ex.4. a) Rewrite these sentences, beginning with “I can … can I? You can … can you? Could you …? “or” I wonder if you could …?”

1. Would you like me to take your coat? 2. Start cooking supper, please. 3. I’d be glad if you would translate this for me (friendly). 4. I’d be glad if you would translate this for me (polite). 5. Why not watch a video if you don’t know what to do? 6. Why don’t


you spend the day with us if you’re free on Saturday? 7. I don’t mind feeding the horses, if you’d like me to. 8. I’d be glad if you would lend me $5 (polite). 9. Tell me when it’s time to go (friendly). 10. I’d be grateful if you would tell me when it’s time to go (polite).

b) Put the words of the caption in the right order.

Ellis, here my and come could pass coffee me in you Miss?

Ex.5. Rewrite these sentences using “can, could or may”.

1.I’d like to talk to you for a minute, Bill (friendly).

Can I talk to you for a minute, Bill?

2.I would like to use your phone (more polite).

3.I would like to stop work early to day (formal).

4.Take my bike if you want to.

5.Are children allowed to go into pubs?

6.I don’t want you to come into my room.

7.I would like to speak to Jane if she’s there (polite).

8.I would like to have a beer (friendly).

9.Are students allowed to use this library?

10.I would like to pay you tomorrow (polite).

11.I would like to sit here.

12.I’d like to come in.

Ex.6. Six weeks ago a man and his wife were flying over the jungle when their plane came down in the trees. Last week their bodies were found about twenty miles from where the plane crashed. The woman had written a diary. Read the diary below and say what happened to the two people. Use “could, couldn’t and was/were able to”.

Example: Thursday. We were able to climb down from the plane. We couldn’t think clearly because we were so shocked.


Climbed down from plane. Too shocked to think clearly.


Too hot to sleep. Heard the noise of insets all night.


Got water from a stream. Saw some smoke from the South.


Too wet to travel. Kept dry.


Walked several miles along the bank of a river. River too


wide to cross.


Killed and ate a monkey. Heard a plane somewhere above us.


Both too ill to walk. Slept for several hours.

Activity The bodies of the two people were found in a cave. The diary and a bottle half full of water were lying on the ground about fifty metres from the cave. What do you think happened after the woman stopped writing the diary?

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