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As our region is rich in mineral resources the Geological Museum exhibits demonstrate mineral specimens, fossils and precious stones. Highlights of the collection are the meteorite fragments found within the Khabarovsk Krai territory.

The growing flow of tourists to Khabarovsk enables to expect sphere of tourism to be developed. As the city is located on the point of rail, air and waterways intersection it is open for guests from other cities of Russia, countries of the Asian Pacific Rim and others.

Ex. 18. Translate the following impersonal sentences.

1. Археологический музей стоит посмотреть. 2. Важно развивать туристический бизнес в Хабаровске. 3. Сегодня тепло, мы можем погулять в парке. 4. Господину Сантоксу лучше остановиться в гостинице «Центральная». 5. Осенью в Хабаровске часто идет дождь, не так ли? 6. Самое время познакомить вас с коллегами. 7. Понадобится 20 минут, чтобы дойти до музея. 8. В сентябре было также тепло, как в августе. 9. Вам легче оставить сообщение, чем ждать их прихода. 10. Приятно познакомиться с вами.

Ex. 19. Pretend you are a guide. Tell the visitors about:

1.Khabarovsk downtown.

2.Your favourite places for weekends.

3.Khabarovsk museums.


to reserve, to make a reservation for – бронировать to book – заказать

a single (double) room – номер на одного (на двоих) at a corporate rate – по корпоративной скидке appointment – назначение, встреча

proposal – предложение, to propose, to suggest, to offer – предложить currency exchange – обмен валюты

to attract – привлекать

to date back – восходить к to appreciate – ценить

to fix up – организовать to cancel – отменить

to be tired – устать, to take a nap – вздремнуть nearby – поблизости

available – имеющийся в наличии to appear – появиться


fertile soil – плодородная почва fur animals – пушные звери weasel – ласка

a steam mill – паровая мельница

a refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод preparations – (зд.) препараты

a network – сеть

to get familiar, to get to know – познакомиться, узнать


Ex. 1. So Paul Santocs from the New Millennium Systems is on business in Khabarovsk, Russia. His partner, Sergei Volkov from the Business Resources Co invites him for lunch at a restaurant. Make up a dialogue between a waiter, Paul and Sergei putting the phrases below into order.

Hosting the Business Lunch

a)– Oh yes, I think I need your advice. I am sure you know Russian food better.

b)– Yes, we are. We would like to have borsh, chicken-a-là-king, potato salad, mineral water, fruit and white coffee.

c)Well, Paul, let’s look through the menu and I’ll help you make your selection.

d)You are quite right. And I recommend borsh and chicken-a-la-king.

e)They do, certainly. What would you like to drink?

f)Would you like a starter?

g)Excuse me. Are you ready to order?

h)How about dessert? I would like to have some cakes.

i)Do any vegetables come with chicken?

j)I’ll have a home-made potato salad. It sounds as a common dish.

k)I’m thirsty. Mineral water and white coffee, please.

l)I am afraid, it’s a little too sweet for me. I prefer fruit.

Ex. 2. Describe each dish using the models.

Models: It’s a kind of soup / stew / vegetable.

It’s quite hot / spicy / salty / rich / filling.

It’s a sweet / savoury dish.

It is baked / boiled / smoked / fried / grilled.

It is a local / Chinese / Korean speciality.

It is made with…

It is a starter / a main course / a dessert.

I am (not) sure you will like it.

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