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12: Anatomic and physiologic aspects of the pulmonary vasculature


Anatomy, 165

Physiology, 166

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance, 166

Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow, 168

Pulmonary Vascular Response to Hypoxia, 169

Other Aspects of Pulmonary Vascular Physiology, 170

The pulmonary vasculature is responsible for transporting deoxygenated blood to the alveoli and then carrying freshly oxygenated blood back to the left atrium and ventricle for pumping through the aorta to the systemic arterial circulation. Although the pulmonary circulation is often called the “lesser circulation,” the lungs are the only organ system that receives the entire cardiac output. This extensive system of pulmonary vessels is susceptible to a variety of disease processes, ranging from those that primarily affect the vasculature to those that are either secondary to airway or pulmonary parenchymal disease or due to the transport of material that is foreign to the pulmonary vessels, including blood clots.

Before diseases of the pulmonary vasculature are considered in Chapters 13 and 14, this chapter discusses a few of the general anatomic and physiologic aspects of the pulmonary vessels. Included in the discussion on physiology are several topics relating to the hemodynamics of the pulmonary circulation, as well as a brief consideration of some nonrespiratory metabolic functions of the pulmonary circulation.


In contrast to the systemic arteries, which carry blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body, the pulmonary arteries, which carry blood from the right ventricle into the lungs, are relatively low-pressure, thin-walled vessels. Under normal circumstances, the mean pressure within the main pulmonary arteries is approximately 15 mm Hg, roughly one-sixth of the pressure in the aorta. The pulmonary trunk, which carries the outflow from the right ventricle, divides almost immediately into the right and left main pulmonary arteries, which subsequently divide into smaller branches. Throughout these progressive divisions, the pulmonary arteries and their branches travel with companion airways, closely following the course of the progressively dividing bronchial tree. By the time the vessels are considered arterioles, the

outer diameter is less than approximately 0.1 mm. An important feature of the smaller pulmonary arteries is the presence of smooth muscle within the walls, which permits a vasoconstrictive response to various stimuli, particularly hypoxia, resulting in preferential routing of perfusion to well-ventilated lung units.

(See Chapter 1 for discussion of mismatch.)

The pulmonary capillaries form an extensive network of communicating channels coursing through alveolar walls. Rather than being described as a series of separate vessels, the capillary system can be viewed as a continuous meshwork or sheet bounded by alveolar walls on each side and interrupted by “posts” of connective tissue, akin to the appearance of an underground parking garage. The capillaries are in close proximity to alveolar gas, separated only by alveolar epithelial cells and a small amount of interstitium present in some regions of the alveolar wall (see Figs. 8.1 and 8.2). Overall, the capillary surface area is approximately 125 m2 and represents approximately 85% of the available alveolar surface area. The architecture of this capillary system is extraordinarily well suited to the requirements of gas exchange, inasmuch as it contains an enormous effective surface area of contact between pulmonary capillaries and alveolar gas.

The pulmonary veins, which are responsible for transporting oxygenated blood from the pulmonary capillaries to the left atrium, progressively combine into larger vessels until four major pulmonary veins enter the left atrium. Unlike the pulmonary arteries and their branches, the pulmonary venous system does not follow the course of the corresponding bronchial structures until the level of the hila.

The bronchial arteries, which are part of the systemic circulation, provide nutrient blood flow to a variety of nonalveolar structures, such as the bronchi and the visceral pleural surface. There is significant variability in the anatomy of the bronchial circulation. Generally, a single bronchial artery of variable origin (upper right intercostal, right subclavian, or internal mammary artery) supplies the right lung. Two bronchial arteries, usually arising from the thoracic aorta, supply the left lung. Venous blood from the large extrapulmonary airways drains via bronchial veins into the azygos vein and eventually into the right atrium. In contrast, venous blood from intrapulmonary airways drains into the pulmonary venous system emptying into the left atrium. This blood leaving the intrapulmonary airways and draining back to the left atrium never enters the pulmonary capillary bed and thus provides a small amount of anatomic shunting of deoxygenated blood into the systemic arterial circulation.

An extensive network of lymphatic channels is also located primarily within the connective tissue sheaths around small vessels and airways. Although these channels do not generally course through the interstitial tissue of the alveolar walls, they are in sufficiently close proximity to be effective at removing liquid and some solutes that constantly pass into the interstitium of the alveolar wall.


Pulmonary vascular resistance

Although the pulmonary circulation handles the same cardiac output from the right ventricle as the systemic circulation handles from the left ventricle, the former operates under much lower pressures and has substantially less resistance to flow than the latter. The systolic and diastolic pressures in the pulmonary artery are normally approximately 25 and 10 mm Hg, respectively, in contrast to 120 and 80 mm Hg in the systemic arteries. The pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) can be calculated according to Eq. 12.1:

R = Change in pressure⁄Flow

(Eq. 12.1)

The change or drop in pressure across the pulmonary circuit is the mean pulmonary artery (mPA)

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pressure minus the mean left atrial (mLA) pressure, and the flow is the cardiac output (Eq. 12.2). Thus:

Left atrial pressure is difficult to measure directly. However, a special catheter called a pulmonary artery balloon occlusion catheter or Swan-Ganz catheter is clinically used for indirect left atrial pressure measurements (Fig. 12.1). This catheter is inserted into a large vein (usually the internal jugular vein in the neck or the femoral vein in the groin) and passed through the right heart into a pulmonary artery. The catheter tip is equipped with a small soft balloon that, when inflated, lodges in a segmental pulmonary artery and temporarily blocks flow to the segment, creating a static, minimally compressible column of blood between the catheter and the left atrium. After a short period of equilibration, because there is no blood flow passing the catheter tip, the pressure measured at the tip of the catheter reflects the pressure “downstream” in the pulmonary veins and left atrium.

FIGURE 12.1 Schematic diagram of pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter

positioned in a pulmonary artery. The catheter is shown with the balloon inflated, so

forward flow is occluded and pressure measured at catheter tip (pulmonary artery

occlusion, or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) is pressure transmitted from

pulmonary veins, which reflects simultaneous left atrial pressure. When the balloon

is deflated, the pressure measured at the catheter tip is pulmonary artery pressure.

IVC, inferior vena cava; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle; SVC,

superior vena cava.

Pulmonary vascular resistance = (mean PA pressure − mean LA pressure)/cardiac output. LA pressure is indirectly determined from occluded PA pressure.

Assuming normal mean pulmonary artery (PA) and left atrial (LA) pressures of 15 and 6 mm Hg, respectively, along with a cardiac output of 6 L/min, the PVR is (15 − 6)/6 mm Hg/L/min = 1.5 mm Hg/L/min. This resistance is approximately one-tenth that found in the systemic circulation. (A source of confusion is that PVR may be reported in either mm Hg/L/min [also called Wood units in honor of physiologist Earl Wood] or in dyn·s/cm5. The value in Wood units is multiplied by 80 to convert to dyn·s/cm5.)

When cardiac output increases (e.g., during exercise), the pulmonary circulation is able to decrease its resistance and handle the extra flow with only a minimal increase in pulmonary artery pressure. Two mechanisms appear to be responsible: recruitment (opening) of vessels that had not been perfused at rest and, to a lesser extent, distention of previously perfused vessels. Under normal resting conditions, many

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pulmonary vessels receive no blood flow, but they are capable of carrying part of the pulmonary blood flow should the pressure increase. In addition, because pulmonary vessels have relatively thin walls, they are distensible and can enlarge their diameter under increased pressure to accommodate additional blood flow. With a means for increasing the total cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vasculature on demand, the pulmonary circulation is capable of lowering its resistance when the need for increased flow arises.

When cardiac output increases, recruitment and distention of pulmonary vessels decrease pulmonary vascular resistance and prevent a significant increase in pulmonary artery pressure.

Another factor that affects PVR is lung volume. In discussing the nature of this effect, it is useful to distinguish two categories of pulmonary vessels on the basis of their size and location. One category, called alveolar vessels, includes the capillary network coursing through alveolar walls. When alveoli are expanded and lung volume is raised, these vessels are compressed within the stretched alveolar walls, and their contribution to PVR increases. In contrast, when alveoli are emptied and lung volume is lowered, the resistance of these alveolar vessels decreases. The other category consists of the larger vessels called extra-alveolar vessels. They are not compressed by air-filled alveoli. The supporting structure that surrounds the walls of these vessels has attachments to alveolar walls, and the elastic recoil of the alveolar walls provides radial traction to keep these vessels open. This concept is similar to that discussed in Chapter 6 concerning the effect of alveolar wall attachments on airway diameter (see Fig. 6.6). When lung volume is increased, elastic recoil of the alveolar walls increases, the extra-alveolar vessels become larger, and their resistance decreases. When lung volume is decreased, elastic recoil of the alveolar walls decreases, extra-alveolar vessels narrow, and their resistance increases. This differential effect of lung volume on the resistance of alveolar versus extra-alveolar vessels is shown in Fig. 12.2. The total PVR is least at the normal resting expiratory position of the lung (i.e., at functional residual capacity).

FIGURE 12.2 Effect of lung volume on total pulmonary vascular resistance (solid

line), alveolar vessel resistance (dashed-dotted line), and extra-alveolar vessel

resistance (dashed line). Note that total resistance is least at the functional residual

capacity (FRC). RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity. Source: (From

Taylor, A. E., Rehder, K., Hyatt, R. E., & Parker, J. C. (1989). Clinical respiratory

physiology (p. 75). Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders.)

Distribution of pulmonary blood flow

The relatively low pressure in the pulmonary arteries has important implications regarding the way blood flow is distributed in the lung. When a person is in the upright position, blood going to the upper zones of the lung is flowing against gravity and must be under sufficient pressure in the pulmonary artery to make this antigravitational journey. Because the top of the lungs is approximately 15 cm above the level of the main pulmonary arteries, a pressure of 15 cm H2O is required to achieve perfusion of the apices. The mPA of 15 mm Hg (approximately 19 cm H2O) is normally just sufficient to achieve flow to this region. In contrast, flow to the lower lung zones—that is, below the level of the main pulmonary arteries—is assisted by gravity. Therefore, in the upright individual, gravity provides a normal gradient of blood flow from the apex to the base of the lung, with the base receiving substantially greater flow than the apex (see Fig. 1.4). As discussed in Chapter 1, this distribution of blood flow in the lung has major implications regarding the manner in which ventilation and perfusion are matched.

The distribution of blood flow within the lung is strongly influenced by gravity.

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The three-zone model for describing the determinants of pulmonary blood flow discussed in Chapter 1 actually is more complicated now that a zone 4 has been recognized. In this zone, which occupies the base of the lung at low lung volumes, blood flow progressively diminishes as the most dependent region of the lung is approached. To explain why a zone 4 exists, we must return to the concept of extra-alveolar pulmonary vessels. At the lung bases, the weight of the lung results in decreased alveolar volume, accompanied by distortion and compression of extra-alveolar vessels. As a result, the resistance of the extra-alveolar vessels considerably increases, the total vascular resistance in this zone increases, and blood flow diminishes.

The distribution of blood flow in the lung can be measured with radioactive isotopes. A perfusion scan is a particularly useful technique that involves intravenous injection of radiolabeled particles, specifically macroaggregates of albumin, that are of sufficient size to lodge in the pulmonary capillaries. An external counter over the lung records the distribution of lodged particles and, hence, the distribution of blood flow to the lung. This technique, when performed in the upright individual, not only confirms the expected gradient of blood flow in the lung but also detects regions of decreased or absent perfusion in disease states, such as pulmonary embolism (see Chapter 3).

Pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia

An important physiologic feature of the pulmonary circulation is its response to hypoxia. When alveoli in an area of lung contain gas with a low PO2, generally less than 60 to 70 mm Hg, the vessels supplying that region of lung undergo vasoconstriction. This response occurs primarily at the level of the small arteries or arterioles and serves as a protective mechanism by decreasing perfusion to poorly ventilated alveoli.

Hence, ventilation-perfusion mismatch is decreased, and blood flow to areas with a low ventilationperfusion ratio, from which hypoxemic blood would return to the left heart, is minimized. When localized regions of lung have a low PO2, the vasoconstrictive response also is localized. In these circumstances, the overall PVR does not significantly increase. However, with a more generalized decrease in PAO2, as in many forms of lung disease or in persons exposed to high altitude, pulmonary vasoconstriction is more generalized. In this circumstance, PVR and pulmonary artery pressure are both increased. What would be a protective response in the case of localized disease is thus detrimental in the case of generalized disease and widespread alveolar hypoxia.

Pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs in response to alveolar hypoxia. This protective mechanism reduces blood flow to poorly ventilated alveoli, minimizing ventilation-perfusion mismatch.

However, there is one setting in which such generalized pulmonary vasoconstriction in response to alveolar hypoxia is most beneficial: the fetus. In utero, the alveoli receive no aeration, making the entire lung hypoxic. The result is marked pulmonary vasoconstriction, which is accompanied by very high PVR and diversion of blood away from the lung. Blood preferentially flows through the foramen ovale from the right to the left atrium and through the ductus arteriosus from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. This allows the majority of the blood oxygenated by the placenta to go directly into the systemic circulation of the fetus, bypassing the nonaerated lungs.

At birth, when the first few breaths are taken, the lungs expand and oxygen flows into the alveoli. The PVR falls, allowing blood to flow into the lungs. The fall in PVR is due to both the reversal of diffuse hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and the mechanical effects of the inflated lung helping to open previously compressed vessels. As a result of this pulmonary vasodilation (as well as constriction of the ductus arteriosus), right ventricular output passes through the lungs, where the blood is oxygenated. Interestingly, the hypoxic vasoconstriction that persists throughout adult life may be directly related to this

important fetal response.

The mechanism of hypoxic vasoconstriction is incompletely understood. One theory suggests that alveolar hypoxia is sensed by a redox sensor in the endothelial mitochondria, which generates a diffusible mediator—likely a reactive oxygen species. The mediator then acts on pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells by inhibiting a membrane potassium ion channel, which leads to membrane depolarization and a subsequent influx of calcium ions. The increase in intracellular calcium then induces pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cell contraction. Alternatively, hypoxia may alter the release of vasoactive mediators, either increasing the release of vasoconstrictors or decreasing the release of vasodilators. Popular candidates are mediators released from vascular endothelial cells, such as the vasodilating factors nitric oxide (previously called endothelial-derived relaxing factor) and endogenously derived carbon monoxide, as well as the constricting factor known as endothelin. Nitric oxide, which is produced by vascular endothelial cells, acts via increasing cyclic guanosine monophosphate to produce vascular smooth muscle relaxation.

Other aspects of pulmonary vascular physiology

An additional stimulus for pulmonary vasoconstriction is a low blood pH value. Although this effect is less important than the effect of hypoxia, the two stimuli appear to have a synergistic effect on increasing PVR. Any direct effect of PCO2 on the pulmonary vasculature appears to be small. Although hypercapnia may increase PVR, the effect is mediated by changes in blood and intracellular pH. Animal studies indicate that hypoxic vasoconstriction is attenuated by hypothermia and is enhanced by hyperthermia but there are few data in humans with regard to this phenomenon.

A low pH value in blood is an additional stimulus for pulmonary vasoconstriction.

A variety of other factors that influence pulmonary vascular tone are being increasingly recognized. Autonomic innervation of the pulmonary arterial system is present but not extensive. Sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation have the expected opposing effects, causing vasoconstriction and vasodilation, respectively. Humoral stimuli altering vascular tone are numerous; examples include histamine and the prostaglandin products of arachidonic acid metabolism. Most recently, interest has focused on two molecules mentioned earlier in the discussion of hypoxic vasoconstriction, each of which is known to have important effects on the pulmonary vasculature: nitric oxide (a potent vasodilator) and endothelin (a potent vasoconstrictor). Recognition of the role of these vasoactive compounds in the pathophysiology of disease states involving the pulmonary vasculature has led to the development of drugs targeting these actions that have therapeutic benefits in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (see Chapter 14).

Another important aspect of pulmonary vascular physiology relates to fluid movement from pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium of the alveolar wall. Because of the importance of abnormalities in fluid transport across the capillaries in acute respiratory distress syndrome and respiratory failure, this topic is discussed in detail in Chapter 29.

Finally, although the transport of blood between the heart and lungs is the most obvious function of the pulmonary vasculature, these vessels have other, nonrespiratory, metabolic functions. The pulmonary circulation has an important role in the inactivation of certain circulating bioactive chemicals. For example, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and bradykinin are primarily inactivated in the lung at the level of the vascular endothelium. In addition, angiotensin I, an inactive decapeptide that is produced in the kidney, is converted to the active octapeptide angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is produced by pulmonary vascular endothelial cells. Although the metabolic functions of the pulmonary

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